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Já jsem kupoval začátkem prosince a dodnes nic. Přišlo mi tracking number, podle kterýho hodinky 8.12. opustily New York a podle informací české pošty žádný balík s tímto číslem do 31.12. do čr nedorazil. Jsem nervní úplně moc, a nebyla to teda zanedbatelná částka. Nevim co mám dělat..

jinak kupoval jsem kryt na mobil z HK a ten dorazil za 5 tejdnů, zippo těsně před vánocema z US za 5 dní..tak nevim..


jo jinak ten kryt na mobil (nokia E51) je strašlivej šrot, nad tou klávesnicí jsem se dlooouho smál a "pvd" už je odrbaný, no co bych člověk chtěl za 7 USD i s poštou :lol:


Mno, tak právě mi volala manželka, že přišel balíček a platila 1033 clo nebo daň..takže večer v chlubící sekci..:)

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K tomu mám taky jeden čerstvý zážitek. Koncem října jsem (s velkým předstihem) koupil v USA dárek pro manželku. Bohužel to bylo posláno bez trackingu, poslední záznam byl, že to odešlo z Michiganu... Po měsíčním čekání jsem se dohodl s paní prodejkyní, že když to nedojde do vánoc, tak mi vrátí peníze. Jaké bylo moje překvapení, když balíček do vánoc dorazil,.... ale zpět do Michiganu. Navíc měl jen razítko BEZ CLA a fixkou napsáno moje jméno, jak to vždy píšou na poště :wacko:

na naší milé poště...

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Známému se teď taky vrátila jedna zásilka, kterou koupil na eBay s dovětkem "neúplná adresa" :( . Nevím, přes co to prodejce posílal, nejhorší zkušenosti mám se službou Hermes :( .


Já bych doplnil, že špatný není Hermes, ale jeho partner v ČR = PDP. Používám Hermes hlavně po Německu a jsem velice spokojený.


V listopadu jsem ale posílal hodinky Mechanovi a nastaly problémy - na české straně = u PDP. Že prý adresa neexistuje a balík posĺají zpět do Německa. Email na oficiální reklamační adresu nepřinesl nic - kromě standartní odpovědi, že chyba je na mé straně protože jsem zadal špatnou adresu. To mě nasralo, protože jsem věděl, že adresa je správná. Nový email, s evropským šéfem Hermesu v kopii, už měl lepší efekt. Místo abych já musel volat na placené telefonní číslo tak mi volali oni, omluvili se, balík za 48 hodin doručili Mechanovi (najednou tu adresu našli) a ješte mi poslsli poukázku na poslání jednoho balíku zdarma.


Takže i přes problémy - spokojenost.

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Prosím o radu. Koupil jsem na Ebayi 7. a 8. prosince u různých prodejců jedny hodinky a kryt na mobil. Měly to být dárky k vánocům. Dodnes mě nic nepřišlo. Je to běžné, že to trvá tak dlouho? Předtím jsem kupoval dvoje hodinky, a oboje mě došly za 8 dní. Teď jde o malé částky (asi 500 a 200). Jde o prodejce watches59 a hi.boao. Platba proběhla přes PayPal.Mám je nějak už kontaktovat? Případně jak jim to napsat? V Aj nejsem až tak dobrý. Díky za pomoc.

Tak po dotazu mě poslali číslo dle kterého opravdu zboží odeslali následující den po platbě. Hodinky dorazily hned druhý den co mě přišla od nich odpověd. Kryt na mobil bohužel stále ne. Teď čekám ještě jiný balíček, tak až půjdu na poštu, tak se asi zkusím zeptat.

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filo-boxer: můžeš mi napsat ten e-mail kam sis stěžoval? Že bych to vyzkoušel taky? Posted Image


Protože snad každá druhá zásilka poslaná přes Hermes je vrácena s touto výmluvou.


Přikládám celou komunikaci, čti od konce. Nejdříve jsem napsal na info-paket@hermes-europe.de a protože mi po jejich odpovědi bylo jasný, že tam ničeho nedosáhnu, podíval jsem se na jejich stránky kdo je jejich Geschäftsführer a použil adresu jmeno.prijmeni@hermes-europe.de - a hle, ono to fungovalo. Pak už to šlo rychle.


QUOTEDatum: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 11:04:42 +0100 (CET)

Von: kundenservice@hermes-europe.de


Betreff: AW: AW: Sendungsstatus | Ihre Hermes Vorgangs-Nr.:2359520

Sehr geehrter Herr ....,


vielen Dank für Ihre E-Mail zum Auftrag: 49284049148.


Die Geschäftsleitung hat mich gebeten Ihren Vorgang zu bearbeiten.


Zuerst möchten wir uns im Namen der Hermes Logistik bei Ihnen



Wir haben Ihre Informationen an unseren Partner in Tschechien

weitergeleitet, damit erneut eine Sendungszustellung erfolgen kann.


Bitte teilen Sie uns auch noch Ihre Telefonnummer mit, damit wir Sie bei Rückfragen

erreichen können.


Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen








---- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ----


Empfangen: Wed Oct 28 09:56:48 CET 2009

An: info@hermes-europe.de; info-paket@hermes-europe.de;



Betreff: AW: Sendungsstatus


Sehr geehrte Frau ....,


die Zustelladresse ist NICHT fehlerhaft, sie ist DEFINITIV richtig.

Deshalb ist KEINE Korrektur notwendig. Z.B. mit DHL habe ich noch NIE Probleme

mit dieser Adresse gehabt.


Was raten Sie mir nun? Soll ich lieber DHL beauftragen? Der Fehler liegt

auf Ihrer Seite (Ihres Partners in CZ) - erstatten Sie mir die 9,95



Mit freundlichen Grüßen,



-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 19:43:26 +0100 (CET)

Von: info@hermes-europe.de


Betreff: AW: Sendungsstatus | Ihre Hermes Vorgangs-Nr.:2359520


Sehr geehrter Herr ...,


vielen Dank für Ihre E-Mail.


Leider lag uns eine fehlerhafte Zustelladresse vor, daher

war eine ordnungsgemäße Zustellung nicht möglich.

Ihre Sendung wird daher an den Versender zurück geschickt.


Eine Korrektur wird im internationalen Bereich nicht angeboten.


Wir bedauern, Ihnen keine andere Auskunft geben zu können.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen








---- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ----


Empfangen: Mon Oct 26 17:36:53 CET 2009

An: info-paket@hermes-europe.de

Betreff: Sendungsstatus


Guten Tag,


ich habe heute den Sendungsstatus meiner Sendung kontrolliert und


Status steht dort: Die angegebene Anschrift konnte nicht gefunden




Quittungsnummer: 60558100004300


Die Adresse ist aber definitiv richtig. Die Telefonnummer des

Empfängers (*****) ist 00420/********.


Können Sie es bitte überprüfen?


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


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Prosím o radu: hodlám dražit hodinky prodejce, který je z Hongkongu. To je v zásadě OK, ale při dotazu na shipping mi poslal toto:

"but the EMS CAN'T REACH Czech republic, only send it by air mail, it need 20-30 days and 18 USD"


Je to normální? Mi se nezdá, že by byl problém s EMS u nás. Je air mail bezpečný způsob, jak posílat hodinky?

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Prosím o radu: hodlám dražit hodinky prodejce, který je z Hongkongu. To je v zásadě OK, ale při dotazu na shipping mi poslal toto:

"but the EMS CAN'T REACH Czech republic, only send it by air mail, it need 20-30 days and 18 USD"


Je to normální? Mi se nezdá, že by byl problém s EMS u nás. Je air mail bezpečný způsob, jak posílat hodinky?

je to v pohode. ono to chodi stejne vsechno letecky - nebo myslis, ze to za nejakych 20 dni staci nalozit na lod, prepravit nekam do Hamburku, vylozit z lode a poslat do CR? ;)


ta cena mi pripada taky az prekvapive ferova.

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Prosím o radu: hodlám dražit hodinky prodejce, který je z Hongkongu. To je v zásadě OK, ale při dotazu na shipping mi poslal toto:

"but the EMS CAN'T REACH Czech republic, only send it by air mail, it need 20-30 days and 18 USD"


Je to normální? Mi se nezdá, že by byl problém s EMS u nás. Je air mail bezpečný způsob, jak posílat hodinky?


Jak píše malé w, je to v pohodě. Za 18 USD se takto (AIR) z Číny posílají zásilky do 1 Kg. Moje zkušenost je, že to netrvá těch avízovaných 20-30 dní, ale méně. Poslední zásilka (čaj) mi přišla za 14 dní.


Edit: č -> Č

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Návštěvník SukHoi

Nevím kam to vrazit tak je to tady:



Wednesday, 10 March 2010

U want the TRUTH, U can't handle the TRUTH!!! ;)


sorry had to quote from Col Jessup there [if u don't get the reference, go watch 'A Few Good Men' the speech is a classic :) ] this post is about my perceptions & observations of the watch market in Singapore and on the notion of a willing buyer and a willing seller. It could apply to other watch markets as well but I won't choose to assume.


Some concepts to clear out of the way first.


FS prices = For Sale prices / asking prices. These are NOT transacted prices. they are just prices sellers ask. Same as you opening the classifieds and seeing folks ask for crazy amounts for properties, it works the same way for FS ads from both watch dealers to folks selling their own pieces.


To see some examples of FS prices go to these sites: Watchnet Luxury Time , Chrono24 , or Watch Forums with a Buy and Sell corner/marketplace... Timezone, Watchprosite, Watchuseek, Paneristi.com, Viapaneristi.com etc


Real transacted prices = what the price really is. the prices that are actually done for a specific piece in its specific condition. No one publishes this as when a FS post is closed, nobody reports as to what the final price was done at. Of course for some pieces its even more difficult to establish the real price as they don't pop up to the market often or rarely do. for those perhaps there is no choice but to look at auctions but even then the auction prices may not be true. But for some pieces, eg. more well traded Panerais, APs, Rolexes, Pateks etc, their market prices can be somewhat established by the range of FS or real transacted prices(if u can get this info from a dealer) setting aside those that fall out of a certain mean. i.e. you will hear someone make a good deal of selling a S$10k watch for S$12k (hey thats 20% more) but if its a one off case and the buyer was a SUCKER than its a question of whether you can find more of such suckers. if buyers bother to do their homework, the S$10k price should be it.


some BUYER categories:


(A) I'M RICH BEEYATCH - the kind that has money to burn and don't care about asking prices so much. they never or rarely ask for discounts and buy whatever they want to buy. For rarer pieces, they are also open to paying premiums. Whats real wealth if you don't flaunt it a little ay? Best egs i know of would be Chinese tourists in Singapore with loadsamoney (dun ask where it came from yuh ;) or our friends from neighbouring South East Asian countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia etc) and sometimes even to our other North Asian friends that make their way here. Bring on the pricey Pateks and the blingy bling.


[side point: The Chinese Are COMING!!! Luxury goods is the game and China is rising in it. they have overtaken the US and now are behind Japan only. the wealthy there are spending loadsamoney on luxury products, some as gifts, some for personal use and uhm well i am sure theres a fair amount that go into luxury items coz of money laundering or tax evasion.

Based on the Hurun Report that looks at China's wealthy, out of 825,000 wealthy in China, 520k folks have between USD1.47 to 7.3mn, 165k folks have USD7.3 to 14.6mn and 14ok people have over USD14.6mn. now thats a lot of multi-millionaires but of course at the highest end they have a fair number of billionaires too. and of course again theres the undeclared rich folks :) ]


(B) Typical Singaporean Watch Buyer - the "best deal" mindset is in play here. any watch shop or dealer they go to they will try and press the price and see how much wiggle room there is. some will push a little harder and some will just stop at getting a little. Sales people can gauge this type of buyer of course and what tactics are needed to keep them satisfied without the shop making too little.


© The Passionate Idealistic Buyer (ie. dumba$$) - They believe watches should cost a certain amount based on their assessment of the value of the watch and it should command that price. eg. i look at Watch A and noting the level of innovation and technical creativity excellence that goes into it I price it at $X, where the real market price is $X-Y. Another watch its clearly art and should cost $Z but the market could be $Z-Y again. These are also influenced by list and Authorised dealer asking prices which are a reflection of real transacted prices but it could be because the buyers are all from Category A!! ****.


A note here I am a combi of B and C :) Sometimes get it right and sometimes being a dumba$$ on the assessment of pricing. I am pretty much familiar with some(note i said some and not all) Panerai and AP models but thats about it. Rolex is hard to call these days.


Onto the SELLERS... Some truths (in case u were blind to them :)


Watch dealers all of em, authorised or grey, are in it for the money. Some may say we wish to educate and enlighten, but its really saying that we hope you drink our kool aid and buy what we tell u to buy at the prices that we say it is. They aren't non-profit organisations and most or every event / every act is for one thing only, to get more revenues and profits. its not for love, its for money. some try to hide it some don't bother. some are better at hiding it than others.


Nothing wrong with this yes. If I went into business selling watches, I would want to profit from it as well and think up all means to do so. One of the oft used tactic is to keep them wanting more, keep em hungry (but not for too long lest they go for other prey). You want this watch? its not available. We're sold out. but let me know what u're looking for and i will see if i can get it for you. All this said while there are 10 pieces of that watch in the shop safe just as an eg. What they get then is some leverage on the relationship when they produce the watch to you and are willing to give you the best price they can offer. But this is just one eg. Do what needs to be done to sell the luxury watch. Assess the buyer, what sort is he and go in for the deal.


Of course there are some who are not so hungry and don't bother with these things at all. This is the price if you want it at this then fine, if not its ok. Some can hold stock without issue and some just want to do the turn. sell and move on. Sales people and branch managers have sales quotas too yuh and after they see you for a bit they probably start to see $ signs as to how much you contribute to their quotas or have potential to in the near or long term. The smart sales folks who are in it for the long haul look to establish long term relationships with local watch buyers, recognising that a person who is hot for watches will spend a certain amount of money on watches in a year and they would want them to keep coming back to them. nothing wrong at all in this as its their business.


Authorised Dealers in Singapore for a fair number of luxury watch brands (note their sites aren't updated so regularly yuh): The Hour Glass , Sincere Fine Watches , Cortina

I have purchased watches from the first 2 but not Cortina so far. I have helped friends close deals for all 3.


View on grey market dealers


They are opportunists and theres nothing wrong with that. They look to profit from arbitrage opportunities where in one market, Market ABC, a commodity costs $11k and in another, Market XYZ, it costs $16k, they buy said commodity from Market ABC and sell it to someone looking for it in Market XYZ at $14k and make themselves and the buyer in market XYZ happy. Win win no? They could be buying from Authorised or grey market dealers or pre-owned pieces in Market ABC but often they will be selling to retail buyers in Market XYZ to make the most profit.


Some grey traders do play certain games though to boost market price of pieces. like using folks to post WTB ads or do supposed deals of watches on the net at certain prices to give the impression that the watch was done at that price. Just watch out for these and don't get suckered as much as possible yuh. [of course the opposite exists as well where some folks might want to try to push prices down by doing the opposite but these things rarely succeed.]


Hmm actually its kinda like Watch House A buying its own pieces at auction at inflated prices. After the auction is done and memory of who actually paid $X for it is faded, people will only remember that model went for $X. Sellers of that watch might only emphasise the amount paid and never mention that it was bought by Watch House A. Easy to burn folks who don't do any homework with this.


Another tactic is selling watches not as described. Eg. A used watch as new. A polished watch as non-polished, a serviced watch as unopened and LNIB etc.


Again although some get up to shenanigans, most of them are fine but I won't vouch for anyone here as your experience with them may differ from my experience with them. So while Person 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 had a good deal with them, Person 6, 7, 8 may have had a bad experience with them so its dangerous ground.


So to non-authorised dealers in Singapore [Note all this is information available online HERE I am just putting just a little bit of it on my site. I am not mentioning all in that web page here but those i have had some exposure to or had good or fair dealings with.]


With Websites(u can click on the links to see whats on offer):


* watcharena - recommended by me because of reasonable deals done with no benefit obtained from me from recommending them. decent selection of AP, Rolex and some other interesting pieces as well. Have instalment plans with certain cards at extra % costs.

* hobbylink/watchlink - more PAMs and AP focused with some Rolex and IWC and other makes. Have instalment plans with certain cards. 4% for 6 months instalment, 5% more for 12 months and 6% more for 24 months

* ace-time - good range with high end AP and Pateks

* heirloom gallery - specialises in vintage pieces

* passions - pretty wide selection

* jw watch - a noted repairer and servicer in singapore


Without Websites:


* Kenneth Chen & Barry, Collectors Haven, 5 Balmoral Crescent (Inside VIP Hotel) Singapore 259895 Email: kenneth.kc.chen@gmail.com Tel: 68366789/98580988 - Deals with a range of watches but have a fair bit of PAMs and APs

* Horological Restoration Centre at Lucky Plaza #02-102 Tel: 68362179 - Diversified offering


Without Websites & Panerai Focused


* William Loi and Philip Loi Email: loikc107@singnet.com.sg Philip Loi Tel: 96382438 [ Only deals in new pieces from ADs and does not do pre-owned

* Yeo Kim Choy Email: kcyeo28@yahoo.com.sg

* Time Will Tell, Richard and James, 35 Selegie Rd, #04-09 Parklane Shopping Mall, Tel: 63331608 - Call before u go down as their opening hours seem erratic


The thing is you can get good deals from some of these folks. An example: lets look at richard mille timepieces. i do like the styling of many of their pieces but the prices are staggering. take the RM11 for eg. it is the hot watch for them with multi-color variants popping up. list prices for it in gold is above S$140k and in Titanium around S$130k if i'm not mistaken. at the boutique, i think you won't be getting much in way of discounts, maybe 10-15%. Authorised Dealers may start off with a 20% discount wif a little bit of wiggle room because the margins are so **** high. lets say for eg the best deal from them is 20%+5% its still above S$105k. the grey market guy is offering the same piece for high 70s in titanium and low 80s for gold. So for a gold RM11, you could make a 20k saving right off the bat. Thats one steel AP ROO there :)


& you can get burnt too... Example 1: You buy a watch from them and when you want to sell it back to them or trade with them for another piece, they will tell you that theres not much demand for this model anymore and they have so many of these type of pieces in the shop blah blah blah. so u can get screwed too with those who deal with pre-owned pieces. Example 2: when you pop into the shop, shop owner comments on what a great watch it is and how its doing so well on prices. next time when you come in to want to sell, they say this is the price I will take it in at which is a super crap price. sh!t happens.


Luxury... exclusivity...


For the watch brands to control this circus on pricing, they have to maintain supply at the right level. work together with their authorised dealers for the right balance. its luxury, so they have to work together to manage the products' exclusivity, manage the discount policies in place in different markets closely and ADs will need to inventorise effectively.


ok enough of that. this is all NOT what's important to folks who are passionate about horology and do genuinely love timepieces. this is just sharing of info and a view and you may disagree. End of day, I still hold by and recommend that u (1) buy what u love, wear what u buy and enjoy it. if for any reason you need to sell a piece u buy one day than at least know what u may be in for. (2) go into the purchase eyes open, dun do it for investment but know what it may cost you. other than servicing costs every X number of years(u determine X), theres the potential gain/loss (mostly loss or >90% of the time it will be a loss) on the secondary market if u have to move your watch one day [Eg. Sure by all means buy Watch X from XYZ company because you absolutely love it but do it knowing that you may lose more than 30-40% of what you really paid for it if you do wish to sell it right after you purchase it. if u buy pre-owned its not so bad a hit as compared with buying brand new though yuh], either for another watch u want or for a rainy day(which i hope never happens to anyone i know or u dear reader :)


thats it for now. let me know your thoughts if any. cheers, raph



**Time Tapestry

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Že by už i seller se 100% feedbackem prodával fake?




Moc tomu nerozumim ale quartzovy strojek se mi zda na fake nejakej promakanej a i dynko vypada solidne .... Jak u tohoto modelu poznam fake?

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Se staci podivat na alibaba.com tam cinani nabizi svoje vyrobky, je to toho plny. Co jsem se dival ja tak podle obrazku to asi nikdo nepozna ze jde o fake (pokud to aspon trochu nezna) tom aspon trochu.

Problem je v tom ze kupa lidi na to prijde az je pozde a pokud neni prodejce blb tak se s tema co na to prijdou vyrovna a ti pak drzi hubu, bohuzel. Neni to nic neobvikleho. Pokud do toho clovek jde tak musi hned po dodani hodinky otevrit, kdyztak je hodit sem a pokud jsou fake okamzite napsat prodejci ze on nebo ten co to za nej posila je podvodnik a zlodej, ze mu klidne date negativni hodnoceni a napisete ze krade. Moje skusenost zatim byla ze na to celkem zabiraj, protoze maj vetr z ebay (blokle paypal, prachy ve vzduchu, ebay prachy klidne vrati, ban).

Podle me je potreba si o problemu dopisovat pres ebay a ne pres mail (obchodnik rad, protoze to pro ebay nema hodnotu, hlavne kdyz jde o vic penez), me to 1x proslo pres mail, ale obchodnik se po nahlaseni okamzite odhlasil z ebay a uz nic neresil.

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Se staci podivat na alibaba.com tam cinani nabizi svoje vyrobky, je to toho plny. Co jsem se dival ja tak podle obrazku to asi nikdo nepozna ze jde o fake (pokud to aspon trochu nezna) tom aspon trochu.

Problem je v tom ze kupa lidi na to prijde az je pozde a pokud neni prodejce blb tak se s tema co na to prijdou vyrovna a ti pak drzi hubu, bohuzel. Neni to nic neobvikleho. Pokud do toho clovek jde tak musi hned po dodani hodinky otevrit, kdyztak je hodit sem a pokud jsou fake okamzite napsat prodejci ze on nebo ten co to za nej posila je podvodnik a zlodej, ze mu klidne date negativni hodnoceni a napisete ze krade. Moje skusenost zatim byla ze na to celkem zabiraj, protoze maj vetr z ebay (blokle paypal, prachy ve vzduchu, ebay prachy klidne vrati, ban).

Podle me je potreba si o problemu dopisovat pres ebay a ne pres mail (obchodnik rad, protoze to pro ebay nema hodnotu, hlavne kdyz jde o vic penez), me to 1x proslo pres mail, ale obchodnik se po nahlaseni okamzite odhlasil z ebay a uz nic neresil.


Tvoji odpoved moc nechapu. Ptal jsem se na ty konkretni hodinky ktere oznacil jako fake..... Podle ceho tak ucinil?

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U fake je trochu jiný kaliber (na orig. jsou další plošné spoje), nicméně plagiátoři si dali práci i s popiskami na strojku, ovšem ne věrnými. Hlavně ta umělá hmota kolem je signál, že něco není v pořádku. Hodinky jsou celkem povedené a fake se pozná i podle nápisu SWISS MADE, kde u originálu začíná M pod římskou I. Další rozdíl najedeš zezadu na rytině Chicago je jiné provedení věže mrakodrapu v pravo a jiné zkosení objektu úplně napravo.

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