Conrad Odesláno 2. října 2008 Nahlásit Sdílet Odesláno 2. října 2008 Tohle jsem měl dnes v mailu třeba si nekdo vybere Hi Everyone We are clearing out our stock which we have in store. On the list there is only one piece per sale so you will need to contact Lisa - All prices include shipping and as you know we only service Friends of ORIS forum members . As a unique service, prior to shipment, all our members have their ORIS go through our CPP program (Calibration, Pressure Testing and Power reserve testing) which is undertaken by the ORIS service Centre here in Australia. This is a no cost, pre-purchase service to all members. The USD price is for International Clients and the AUSD is for Australian Residents only . To view the clearance items you will need to be logged onto the forum as this offer is only for FOO Members... Click on this link to view the items on clearance If we can help you with anything please don't hestiate to ask Lisa and Rob Odkaz ke komentáři Sdílet na ostatní stránky More sharing options...
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