Wikipedia uvadza:
Soon after the introduction of the Sub300t, the Swiss watch industry was hard-hit economically by the quartz watch revolution. Accurate, reliable and small timepieces could now be made without the mechanical movements that the Swiss specialized in constructing. In response, Doxa joined a group of Swiss watchmakers to consolidate resources. This eventually failed and Doxa, after being sold, ceased operations in about 1980.
Recently, Doxa has been revived by the Jenny family of Switzerland, who owns the brand. Since August 2002, Doxa has introduced re-editions of its well known watches and timepieces in limited quantities. Many are faithful to their original models in design and construction, and all use Swiss movements.
Na stranke Doxy bolo niekde uvedene(myslim), ze v obnovenej vyrobe hod. SUB najprv montovali do dochovanych NOS puzdier.
Vsetky ostatne hodinky okrem SUB a Ultraspeed su imho iba brandovane Doxa.