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Omega Speedmaster Professional X-33 :smile_anim:


Marine Sgt. Eric Spence, a plane captain with VMFAT-501, and Marine Maj. Joseph Bachmann prepare life support equipment for their first F-35B sortie on May 22nd, 2012. [uSAF photo by Maj. Karen Roganov]:


post-9612-006586700 1347921116.jpg

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Petr_P: Mohl bys prosím doplnit zdroj, kde člověk sežene ty 4 pěkné rusandy? :D

Chvilku jsem dumal nad tím, co přesně myslí mladý džentlman v jednu hodinu po půlnoci slovy "kde člověk sežene ty 4 pěkné rusandy?" :blush02: ;)


Na Chronomagu to asi nebude, tak alespoň jeden





A nechceš radši děvočky z Ukrajiny? Ta jejich pop-music ve

za těmi ruskými v ničem nezaostává. :wub:



Upraveno uživatelem Petr_P
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Radio commands were coming in via English and it was interesting to see Japanese nationals answer back in clear American accents




The Brits also sailed in support of the mission and offered the Japanese Captain a hat during this lull in the maneuvers



We were aboard only a moment when the crew were called to battle stations



Once the boat's in the water and the crew have affixed the US flag and necessary antennas they're on their way



From above, the Scan Eagle starts feeding back live and close-up images of how the teams are faring about seven miles from the Ponce



While all this is going down, visual surveillance is constantly applied ? radar only works so well, especially on the region's wooden boats that radar wont pick up at all



zdroj: http://www.businessinsider.com/photos-the-us-navy-protects-the-gulf-2012-9?op=1

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