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1Gen renovations.Paint colours


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I would like to have a Sport 1 renovation and have some ideas for colours....what supplier does Elton use,please?  I would like to select a paint colour from a catalogue.


Thank you in advance .


Best wishes



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How difficult is it....and expensive to have an atypical sport 1 if I give them a mechanism ? Does anyone have first hand experience,please? I would like a new case and face?......I am talking about the watch,now :clap:


Enjoy the sun


Best wishes



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It´s really easy. You have to have Prim Igen in wreck quality and send them to Elton company. They will replace them for a new ones in new stainles body. And everythink about your wishis jou have to speek with miss Krskova - she is the most importent people in Elton company for thet. 

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