safi Odesláno 24. května 2015 Nahlásit Sdílet Odesláno 24. května 2015 (upraveno) TESTSBefore production begins, strap samples undergo a series of tests to check their resistance and quality. Resistance to the following is tested: tension, torsion, abrasion, sweat, humidity, UV rays, water resistance, saltwater and wear TENSION AND TORSIONThe tensile-resistance test is carried out by applying increasing tension on the straps until they break. The torsion test consists of subjecting the straps to torsion in order to test the consistency to flexibility ratio. ABRASIONThe abrasion-resistance test checks the resistance of the colour of the leather to constant, continuous rubbing, at various levels of intensity. SWEATThe sweat-resistance test lasts seven days and is carried out by immersion of the straps in a chemical solution that replicates the characteristics of sweat at a specific pH. HUMIDITYThis test simulates the combination of high humidity and high temperature and measures the strap's reaction to these condisiotns. UV RAYSThe straps are subjected to 72 hours of UV rays reproduced in a laboratory that simulate 6 days of sunlight in the warmest hours of a summer's day. The straps are also exposed to artificial light to simulate their display ina shop windows. WATER-RESISTANCE TESTThis test serves to record water absorption and water-resistance levels. The strap is alternatively immersed in water and allowed to dry. SALTWATER TESTThe straps are immersed in a liquid having the same composition as seawater. One day of testing corresponds to around 3 weeks of immersion in seawater so as to test the resistance, brilliance and non-deformability of the strap as well as the buckle's resistance to corrosion. WEAR-RESISTANCE TESTThe wear-resistance test repeatedly simulates the action of putting the watch on the wrist so as to monitor the reactions of both the strap and the buckle. Upraveno 24. května 2015 uživatelem safi Odkaz ke komentáři Sdílet na ostatní stránky More sharing options...
Porsche_911 Odesláno 7. června 2015 Nahlásit Sdílet Odesláno 7. června 2015 Hodne zajimave! Odkaz ke komentáři Sdílet na ostatní stránky More sharing options...
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