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Glycine - nový majitel


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The 100 percent Swiss-owned company, Altus Uhren Holding AG, will betaking over the long-established watchmaking company Glycine Watch SA from 1 April 2011. The new CEO will be Stephan Lack. He believes in the importance of continuity. The owner of Glycine, Katherina Brechbühler, has decided to hand the company over to a new owner and to alter her career path. The new owner will be the company Altus Uhren Holding AG, based in Muri near Berne. This company is entirely Swiss-owned. Stephan Lack (48), Chairman of the Board of Directors and majority shareholder of Altus Uhren Holding AG, will be taking over as CEO of Glycine Watch SA on 1 June 2011. Stephan Lack comes from Berne and is an economist and marketing specialist with an indepth knowledge of the watchmaking industry. He lived in Asia for nearly ten years, where he successfully built up the distribution of well-known Swiss watch brands in China, Southeast Asia and Japan. Stephan Lack has a great deal of experience in product development and brand management which Glycine will be able to benefit from. "Glycine is a fine, authentic brand with a high level of expertise and a large following of fans and collectors," said Stephan Lack. "We believe in the importance of continuity with regard to brand development and see great opportunities in the careful expansion of international distribution." Both Katherina Brechbühler and her father Hans Brechbühler, who passed away last summer, have shaped the development of Glycine over the last 20 years with Katharina responsible for some distinctive watch creations. She will remain with Glycine at the request of the new management, focusing particularly on the creative side. "I am delighted that we have been able to find an independent Swiss successor in Stephan Lack and Altus Uhren Holding AG ? this company will undoubtedly strengthen Glycine's future development," said Katherina Brechbühler.



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Návštěvník Snow

Hmm, jsem zvědav kterým směrem se bude Glycine ubírat. Doposud byl Glycine rodinný podnik, starý pán zemřel a dcera zřejmě neví kudy kam.


Edit - mám o Glycine strach

Upraveno uživatelem Snow
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Hmm, jsem zvědav kterým směrem se bude Glycine ubírat. Doposud byl Glycine rodinný podnik, starý pán zemřel a dcera zřejmě neví kudy kam.


Edit - mám o Glycine strach


z toho co viem prave dcera posledne roky urcovala akym smerom sa glycine uberal. podla mna sa chce len odbremenit od vedenia podniku, v texte je pisane ze dcera bude nadalej zainteresovana vo vyvojarskej oblasti.

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no pokiaľ viem tak Glycine v minulosti akvizoval Altus, prinajmenšom vlastní obchodnú známku.. Tipujem to na blízkeho rodinného známeho. Btw, aktivity nového majiteľa sú špecifikované dosť hmlisto... to ma desí najviac. "Obchodník s hodinkami" znie.. no, dosť divne. :)


a btw, vplyv dámy v dizajne bol cítiť a miestami to bolo dosť.. malo to zvláštnu pachuť. Urobia outdoor hodinky ako lusk a nedajú tam safír (wtf?), krátke sekundovky, množstvo (zbytočných) variácií na jednu tému, limitky s nápisom "BJ" na ciferníku (blowj...b....? jaj blackjack, aha..), trojcentimetrové automat mašinky v 5cm puzdre s priehladnym dynkom apod. proste zle. niektore modely su nadherne a nedostupne, niektore uplne hnusne obycajne a je ich plny ebay.


Airman je uz snad 22+ generacia za 40r.. ??? takto sa ale ikona nepestuje. pritom su to hodinky jak vino. miesto desiatich-dvanastich aktualnych modelov urobit tri-styri, a aspoň dva s inhouse kalibrom alebo s niečím na zakázku. to predsa uplne staci. to co sa povaluje na ebayi značke len škodí.


a ako hovorí snow, desím sa napr. záplavy quartzových airmanov. predávať sa to bude, ale slovami klasika: "A komu tim prospejete, co???"

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Upraveno uživatelem instant
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