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Moonwatch Only - 60 Years of Speedmaster

Návštěvník dabelM

Doporučené příspěvky

Návštěvník dabelM

Na letošním Baselwordu bude představena k 60.ti letému výročí revidovaná a rozšířená nová edice bible fanoušků Omega Speedmaster.

Moonwatch Only - 60 Years of OMEGA Speedmaster (Revised and Expanded edition)


by Grégoire Rossier and Anthony Marquié

This new edition marking the 60th anniversary of the Speedmaster has been enriched with numerous new features and additional historical information.

Why a Collector's Guide?The Speedmaster is a timeless watch icon that has significantly evolved since its creation in 1957, a fact that sometimes makes it hard to identify certain models, particularly older ones. After several years of research and observation, the authors have created a technical, systematically and attractive book intended to become the reference work for this model.

An Original Approach
The major focus of this work concerns the identification of historical Speedmaster models from standard production, in an era when there were often variations in the constituent parts of a watch.
Having observed that these numerous evolutions could occur independently of a change in reference number, the authors established an original nomenclature for this entire set of elements. Classifying and describing them represented a fundamental prior step toward providing a comprehensive and detailed presentation of the models.

More info on www.moonwatchonly.com


Authors interview by the Watchhobbyist :

Authors interview on Thewatches.tv :

"For me, this book thoroughly earns its designation as the ultimate guide to the Omega Speedmaster, and I will refer to it with pleasure for any and all Speedmaster questions I may have from now on.
If you are considering purchasing this compendium as a gift or for yourself, I can recommend it wholeheartedly."
Elizabeth Doerr, Quill & Pad

"The Number 1 Speedmaster Resource. A superb book that goes into detail on everything Moonwatch."

ISBN 978-2-940506-17-0

Will be delivered in April 2017
Shipping offered worldwide

566 Pages ? over 1000 ill. ? Format : 25 x 30.7 cm.
Prix : CHF 250.00 ? ? 250.00





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  • Odpovědi 59
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Uživatelé s nejvíce příspěvky v tomto témátu

Uživatelé s nejvíce příspěvky v tomto témátu

Návštěvník dabelM

No, tak snad to uplne nedevalvovalo hodnotu nasich starych "Moonwatch Only":))

Těch šedesáti stránek navíc bych se nebál, za takových deset let si ji koupím znovu a budu mít vystaráno !

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Návštěvník dabelM

dabelM -> tak tak:) myslim, ze pujde predevsim o informace o novych modelech a pripadne korektury

Taky bych to tak viděl, snad ty rozdíly blíže popíšou až bude mít kniha premiéru.


Na instagramu je pro zajímavost zveřejněno pár srovnávacích fotek těchto dvou knih



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Neslozime se na jednu? Martare, co rikas? Par vlastniku Moonwatch only tu bude:-))

Já si ji teda koupím jen pro sebe, Kide, sorry jako :D


Edit: ledaže byste se na ni složili a byla by u mne doma, to by mi nevadilo...

Upraveno uživatelem martar
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