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What is the future of watches?


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So.......what about the future of watches? What developments and trends can we expect ?????


For example....smart watches with more and more choice of faces.....


Will more people go back to wearing watches?


Will more Swiss parts on Swiss made watches mean better quality?


Any other ideas?


What do you think,please?


Best wishes





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Here is an interesting article:




From the article


Ignoring a potential 50 billion wearables technology market might already sound like quite an assumption crisis. But things get even worse. It is not really about left-hand e-mail or social media technology in this market nor about battery life, functionality or superior design (by the way, Silicon Valley has proven to be quite successful regarding that). No, it is really not about functionality, brand experience, status and emotions. It is much, much bigger. As it is ?social disruption? that causes the Swiss to bankrupt soon. Smart watches are here to improve our lives. They are here to measure our well-being. In fact, they are here to extend and save our lives. They are here to monitor our heart rate, blood pressure, and to detect other potential health threats. Smart watches help to protect us against assaults, they help us to communicate with our environments, they warn of danger and can give us instant pleasure.


So, forget about clumsy designs, forget about metallurgy, forget about brand heritage, about ?Swiss made? and forget about Tourbillons or better mechanical Chronographs (who uses them anyway?). Start innovating, start experimenting, start co-creating. Design the Rolex GMT-Smart-Master II, the Breitling Smart-Professional Emergency (come on guys, you practically invented first-generation smart watches years ago) and create the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Smart-Offshore?

The Swiss watch industry is bankrupt. Long live the Swiss smart watch industry.

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I don't agree with this article at all. There are several other scenarios of future to take place. Hopefully not everybody is keen to monitor every single fart by smart something ...

Upraveno uživatelem Flipik
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Doesn' t it depend on the market we are talking about? People with money who like the style and beauty of a mechanical watch wil still buy them....others will buy something different. In the same way as paper books will be a luxury and children


will go off to school with an e -book reader. We call it progress....whether it is or not is a question.

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the article is nonsense or..... the owners (and buyers - yesterday the UN was bought) are stupid (and I am sure they know more about the industry than the author :lol2:)


"the End" of watces was predicted in 70s when quartz arrived and...? ;)


So the future of watches is - to keep making us happy :cheers:

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The article is possibly meant to provoke.... Like most ' truths ' there is probably something to think about . The industry has to change with the times and adapt to market forces. In Switzerland production methods are not the same as


100years ago...probably for any producer. I am almost sure that every one of us on this Forum has a smartphone....and many,like me probably said that we never would. Debate and question asking helps us to find a better way in life. If


questions are not asked...if there is no debate then we leave the future in the hands of people who maybe are not the best people to decide.


So if the aticle is wrong,what is the future of watches????????


What do YOU think?


Have a good day.



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Seems that this topic is a bit abandoned...But I'll try to put the subject on the table again )


Since we already see Tag Heuer Connected for $1500 from LHMV for sure Swatch move will follow in 2 years...gues it will be Tissot (but it could suit Rado as well)


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