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Uživatelé s nejvíce příspěvky v tomto témátu

Uživatelé s nejvíce příspěvky v tomto témátu

J.V.P.: Jo, je to tak. Nafotim i comboidne oboje dohromady. Ve stredu oblecu po delsi dobe oblek, tak jsem musel. Citil bych se nahy. ME jsou moc sportovni.


marosh: Jo. Ale u Barbouru vice, nez u cehokoliv jineho, plati, ze cim zaslejsi, tim hodnotnejsi. Je to jak pise Bernhard Roetzel: Member of the club from..."

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J.V.P.: Jo, je to tak. Nafotim i comboidne oboje dohromady. Ve stredu oblecu po delsi dobe oblek, tak jsem musel. Citil bych se nahy. ME jsou moc sportovni.


marosh: Jo. Ale u Barbouru vice, nez u cehokoliv jineho, plati, ze cim zaslejsi, tim hodnotnejsi. Je to jak pise Bernhard Roetzel: Member of the club from..."


Však proto jsem se ptal, jestli je to Barbour, pak je vše v nejlepším parjadke. Ještě trošku Adámkových snoplů uschlých a bude to exkluzivní.

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:-) To uz zaridi junior sam, o to se nebojim.



Although Barbour jackets loved by the British royal family, but Barbour?s well-known in China today, Queyuanburu Burberry and Aquascutum. In this regard, ?Gentleman: A timeless Fashion?, author Bernhard Roetzel own his own opinion, he called the Barbour jacket ticket to Europe, one of high society, even in the most arrogant upper class exclusive shops , a customer wearing a Barbour jacket will definitely be considered dressed and looked down upon so much less ? since it is upper-class tickets, people know that nature is better, bad things will become known is not high good thing. So, Barbour why such position? Bernhard Roetzel between words gives an interesting explanation ? Barbour old enough. The so-called ?old? refers not only refers to the brand?s history, although the John Barbour of Barbour founded in 1894, also considered a long history, but here the ?old? means it is a single piece of clothing itself. Barbour production, not only is a wind and rain jacket, and is a durable long-lasting jacket. To achieve this goal,Barbour addition to great pains in the choice of materials, it also launched a very unique service ? any customer to buy a waterproof jacket of his home at any time after the clothes can be returned to the relevant services, from Barbour of The re waterproofing and some other maintenance to ensure the Barbour clothing can continue in the harsh climate of their host service. Because a hundred years history, Barbour has used eight different versions of the mark, so technicians can easily from the mark on a Barbour jacket determine the approximate age of the production, today, many forty or fifty years ago, Barbour jacket still being sent for repair, Barbour?s wear is evident. Meaning can not just wear durable, durable piece of clothing is also means you can have a history. In today?s new darlings of the emerging era of riches, you suddenly have money, can afford to buy all the world?s most expensive clothes, but you may not be able to wear their own with a Barbour jacket for several decades ? and the latter means that you can afford a few decades ago they Barbour, Barbour?s good to know, and no change for decades to love Barbour. This taste, persistence, and history, precisely those people who are Europe?s most wealthy family proud and look down on upstart place. Therefore, Bernhard Roetzel said before, one old, repeatedly patched Barbour jacket is the best.


A tady k te zaslosti a onosenosti. ;-)


Bernhard Roetzel "Gentleman: A Timeless Fashion": The Barbour jacket "protects you from bad weather, but also protects you from being improperly dressed. ... The Barbour is neither excessively costly nor especially difficult to get ahold of. But it conveys taste, a sense of style, and an attachment to tradition - particularly if it is old and extensively patched."

Upraveno uživatelem Hasňa
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Nemam, porad vaham mezi nekolika modely, zajimave je, ze to vahani je nejhezci, jakobych mel vsechny, pritom nemam zadne :D


Však tím si pověstný, že miluješ váhání(ty si kupuješ hodinky, abys váhal), problém navstává, když otevřeš box s hodinkami, do dvou minut najdeš nějakou životu nesmiřetelnou závadu, třeba půl milimetrovou nevyváženost nožky a už víš, že tohle nepůjde a posíláš dál. V tohle jsi jedinečný, jak moje DNA.

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Ja jsem ted dokonale saturovan, pokryju outdoor, nebo dziny I sako, nebo oblek. Ale jestli se tak za tri roky pustim do nejaych dalsich dobrodruzstvi, tak bych spise potreboval svetle Portugaly 5001. Po Stowach namam o vzit k namornickemu autfitu. Ale BP bych se tez nebranil, pravda, ovsem ty jsou podminene zasadnim povysenim ktere neni v dohledu. AT se mi libi uz od roku 2001 a jednou budou o tom zadna, ale nemam jasno, jestli starsi s vnitrni lunetou v titanu, nebo novejsi s vnesi lunetou. Tak to musim nechat odlezet, az to uzraje, proste no rush.

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