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chapu ze admini to nemaji vubec lehke,o tom zadna- ale neskodilo by obcas se zastat nekterych novacku,kteri at nevedomky se dopusti nejakeho prestupku a jsou hned kamenovani-pritom by neskodilo je trosku usmernit,vest sparvnym smerem-ono totiz neni lehke zapadnout mezi tuto komunitu zde-prece jen je to dost specificke forum,s urcitou hirearchii-a stylem-a ono precist x set prispevku aby clovek pochopil co muze a co ne a kdo je kdo je docela casove narocne,a ne vsichni maji tu trpelivost


no, tak to pak maji holt smulu. kdyz nemas trpelivost a cas, tak tu nezapadnes, at budes postovat picoviny sebevic, viz pripad plukovnika apod.. ber to tak, ze kazdej chronomagor se vyviji, ja jsem sem neprisel v roce 2006 s dotazem, ahoj, mam volnych par set tisic, kolik kerejch rolexu by ste mi doporucili koupit? proste svoje misto na slunci si musis vybojovat a zaslouzit, a ne vykrikovat o diskriminaci bazantu..

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Spony už se tu řešily několikrát a vždycky to dopadlo blbě. Já to nepoznám ani v reálu, natož podle fotky a 99% z vás na tom bude podobně.

Cyber sem hodil pár linků, které názorně ukázaly, že i origo spony drahých značek stojí pár šupů a občas vypadají i dost neuvěřitelně.


M916 zareagoval dobře. Než aby se začal dohadovat, že spona je originál (a těžko bychom mu dokázali opak), tak ji zde nabídl zadarmo.

No, já bych se na vás vysral a radši ji hodil do v létě do studny. Až bude sucho, aspoň by zvedla hladinu vody :)


Tak už toho nechte, nestojí to za psí štek :cheers:

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"Diskriminovani bazanti" by si meli precist tohle. Je jim vlastne poskytovana sluzba, aby se stali lepsimi lidmi. :-)


Bullies were the making of me

Jeremy Clarkson


As I understand it, the latest state initiative will force school bullies to wear blue plastic wristbands so the weak and fat can see them coming and have time to take evasive action.

Already I can see some problems with this. For instance, what happens if the cunning and wily school bully decides to get round the problem by simply leaving his wristband at home? Then you wouldn?t know he was a bully until you found a large dog egg in your satchel and an unusual stain in your maths exercise book.


Perhaps I?ve got the wrong end of the stick, though. Perhaps you wear the blue plastic wristband to show you?re against bullying, in the same way the people wear little ribbons on their lapel to show they?re against Aids or breast cancer or cruelty to moss.


Again, though, I can see some problems. In the same way that a small CND badge would not have protected the wearer from a nuclear fireball, I feel fairly sure that if you turn up to school with a blue plastic wristband it?s not really going to prevent the bully from pushing your head down the lavatory.


My biggest problem with the scheme, however, is that I have nothing to wear which shows I?m cautiously in favour of bullying. I, for instance, would love to put some sand in Piers Morgan?s lunchbox. And nothing would give me more pleasure than spending an hour or so flicking Tony Blair?s ears.


Sure, it has its bad sides, of course ? nobody likes to think that someone will draw a huge ***** on their children?s homework ? but there are upsides as well. Like if you?ve spent all day with your head in a lavatory you don?t need to wash your hair that night. And you will be a better, sharper, cleverer person.


This, I fear, is what the schools minister Stephen Twigg absolutely will not understand. He?ll have listened to a bunch of idealistic town council do-gooders with all sorts of nonsensical degrees in child welfare, and he?ll have decided that it was time to break out the blue plastic wristbands. So now all the loony welfare workers will have carte blanche to stamp out bullying, in all its forms.


You know where this is going. They started the war on speed by going after lunatics who drove around at 130mph, and ended up nailing little old ladies for doing 31. They go after people who hunt foxes, and soon your dog will be prosecuted if it kills a mouse. They put health warnings on cigarettes and now they want to stop you from lighting up in a pub. For the social worker there is no spirit of the law ? only the letter.


This means we can wave goodbye to the socially important pursuit of teasing. I tease people for being too short. I tease people for reading The Guardian. And in return people tease me for looking like a human toffee apple and liking Supertramp. I?m 44, for heaven?s sake, and I still find another man?s new haircut funny. So I?ll spend the day ribbing him about it.


Teasing is a good thing. It sharpens the mind and punctures the ego. Teasing, at its best, is faster than Chinese ping-pong and funnier than a really good skiing crash. Teasing is what separates us from the beasts. You never, for instance, see wildebeest laughing their heads off when one of their number falls in the river or gets eaten by a lion.


But of course the stupid do-gooders will see it as a sort of cannabis, a seemingly harmless first rung on the ladder, and try to stamp it out before the teaser takes up some heroin-style bullying.


Well, I was bullied at school, mercilessly and endlessly for nearly two years. I forgot what it was like to wake up normally rather than as a result of someone letting a fire extinguisher off in my face. And I was thrown on a daily basis into the school?s unheated plunge pool.


I remember one night being dragged out of bed at 3am and told that because the school would be a better place without me, I would have to be killed.


There was a very good reason for all this. I was a very annoying, very spoilt 13-year-old prig. I had the capacity to irritate before I?d even said anything, and I was the owner of a biblically idiotic haircut.


Eventually the bullying became so awful that I confided in my mother, who said that if everyone was picking on me then I must be doing something wrong. So I grew my hair very long, took up smoking and tried my hardest to make everyone laugh. It?s not easy when you?ve got a mouth full of dog dirt, but eventually I succeeded and the bullying stopped.


I really, genuinely believe that were it not for the bullies I would now be a humourless estate agent in some godforsaken provincial town. Bullying, in other words, saved my life.


And it can work for fat kids, too. You can ban them from watching crisp advertisements on television, and put health warnings on their cheese, but there?s nothing more guaranteed to make them lose weight than having their hair set on fire from time to time.

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Návštěvník YPO

TO: milosklikar ( http://forum.chronomag.cz/index.php?/topic/36131-daruji-hodinky-s-napisem-omega/page__pid__551407#entry551407 )


ono to možná bude tím, že tu od rána žádný moderátor nebyl - já osobně bych to smazal už jenom proto, že to nemá co dělat v prodejním vlákně, ale mělo by to být sekci výměním a ostatní


edit: noa jestli jsi tím chtěl demonstrovat nějaké hrdinství - tak jo - dobrý, povedlo se to a u mně si vystoupil na vyšší level

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Návštěvník milosklikar

TO: milosklikar ( http://forum.chronom...407#entry551407 )


ono to možná bude tím, že tu od rána žádný moderátor nebyl - já osobně bych to smazal už jenom proto, že to nemá co dělat v prodejním vlákně, ale mělo by to být sekci výměním a ostatní


edit: noa jestli jsi tím chtěl demonstrovat nějaké hrdinství - tak jo - dobrý, povedlo se to a u mně si vystoupil na vyšší level


víš že něco podobného jsem od tebe čekal...? zvláštní:smile_anim:

EDIT: jo ještě, abych nezapomněl.... kam u tebe vystupuju nebo sestupuju je mi, věř nebo ne, buřt :smile_anim:

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Návštěvník milosklikar


Muzu se zeptat jakej to cely melo smysl? Nejak nechapu souvislosti... to byla jako nejaka socialni sonda jako ty Orliky za 8.000 ve vetesnicvi ? :unsure:


Takový, jaký jsem psal v tom vlákně....:-) Upraveno uživatelem milosklikar
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Návštěvník YPO

víš že něco podobného jsem od tebe čekal...? zvláštní:smile_anim:

EDIT: jo ještě, abych nezapomněl.... kam u tebe vystupuju nebo sestupuju je mi, věř nebo ne, buřt :smile_anim:


jasně, že si to mohl čekat - myslel si, že tě za tu rádoby srandu budu poplácávat po zadku ? to né že jo - kdyby sis odpustil ty pindy v příspěvku 13, tak bych klidně spal dál
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Návštěvník milosklikar

to jsem rád - plácačů po zadku máš spoustu ve svém zamčeném vlákně, a zřejmě sis i vybral



snad nejsi naštvaný, že si se neozval jako první?

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Co si to dovolujes ty cucaku. Mych 7 milionu kvalitnich prispevku vypovida o tom, ze jsem jednim z nejchytrejsich clenu tady na foru.


nemyslim si ze bych nekoho konkretne jmenoval,tebe uz vubec ne- a rozhodne jsem nikoho neurazel-jen vyslovil svuj nazor-coz asi nekomu nemusi byt po chuti,nicmene si myslim ze mit svuj nazor muzu-a jelikoz me neznas,nikdy jsi me nevidel,nevis kolik je mi let a podobne-tak bych byl rad kdyby jsi prijiste v osloveni spojene se mnou odpustil slovo cucak ,dekuji

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no, tak to pak maji holt smulu. kdyz nemas trpelivost a cas, tak tu nezapadnes, at budes postovat picoviny sebevic, viz pripad plukovnika apod.. ber to tak, ze kazdej chronomagor se vyviji, ja jsem sem neprisel v roce 2006 s dotazem, ahoj, mam volnych par set tisic, kolik kerejch rolexu by ste mi doporucili koupit? proste svoje misto na slunci si musis vybojovat a zaslouzit, a ne vykrikovat o diskriminaci bazantu..



naprosto souhlasim-a kolikrat za posledni dobu zde nekdo nasekal 50 nesmyslnych prispevku aby mohl do bazaru za 2 dni a co ? nic-plati toto pravidlo nebo ne? co je jasne stanoveno v pravidlech? dodrzuje se to? uplne zbytecne pravidlo kdyz se za jeden den da obejit-o kvalite takovych prispevku asi nemuze byt moc rec


osobne mi 50 prispevku trvalo asi mesic a pul a to jsem se hodne snazil abych prispival do vlaken kde prispevek bude mit aspon trosicku smysl-pripadalo mi trapne abych byl zde pro smich,klidne bych je nasekal za jeden den- ale to je v lidech-bud jsou soudny nebo ne

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