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Rolex Oyster Perpetual Datejust II

Návštěvník Rainbow

Doporučené příspěvky

Návštěvník Rainbow

Rolex představil možná tu největší, teda alespoň myslím, klasiku. Oyster Perpetual Datejust II jsou oblekovky s klasickým průměr 41mm, dámské mají průměr 36mm. Myslím si, že se podobný model nachází v prodejní sekci, kde je prodává mechano.


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Návštěvník Rainbow

Zaujal mě model modrými arabskými číslicemi a s rhodiem, ten je fajn. I když číslo jedna pro mě bude vždy GMT II v provedení Pepsi, to je můj sen, jo Romulada,ten se má :)



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Na TimeZone Rolex Forum moderátor uveřejnil odpovědi zástupců Rolex během Baselworldu na vybrané dotazy. Mj. se tam vyjadřují i ke sklům bez antireflexu ve smyslu, že sklo je součástí designu a AR sklo "zneviditelňuje" a tím nezapadá do jejich pojetí. Nové modely Datejust II by měly brzy mít i (nový) President tah, na což si rád počkám.

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  • po měsících...
aha, to jsem nevěděl, mně se líbí ty bílé s indexama a lupou na oceli, říkáš 6,5 l babek :gun_bandana:


Fasten your seatbelt JJ... I had the pleasure of being the 1st in town to test out the new DateJust II's that arrived late yesterday. If any of you have been following my other thread where I ramble on about the TT Black sub I've fallen for, here is the update! I called early this afternoon to find out if the latest shipment from Rolex did indeed carry the new model and he said YES. I went over a while later and boy did those watches feel great on my wrist. They had received two different dials for the SS models and three different dials for the TT models. The only TT missing (from what I recall from basel photos) was the one I wanted to see the most - the black concentric arab dial This watch makes my current DJ feel like a plaything...there's a real difference here. What I noticed was how much real estate it seemed like there was on the dial with the absence of the date from the DDII. The newest style clasp feels really nice as well. Surpisingly the rhodium dial with green trimmed roman numerals looks much nicer than it does in reality. The single idicie at 9 o' clock still seems weird though. The blue looked the coolest while the black with white indies was my favorite so far. The other TT's with champagne and white dials did nothing for me but still nice nonetheless... I think Rolex has a real winner here. Even though the DJ isn't going anywhere I am sure this watch will sell very well.


They are priced better than I thought too. The discounted price I was quoted was $6400USD/$7050CDN for SS and $8100USD/$8930CDN for TT plus taxes And now.....

Upraveno uživatelem sibirnaya
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