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Tak mě při tom čtení napadlo,že tam mám 80Absint s dvojitou dávkou halucinogenů,namíchané pro majitele Libereckého Absintu.Trochu se toho bojím,už je v baru uložená roka půl :crying_anim02:


Myslíš Vision Absinth s tou upírkou? S tim bejvávala sranda :)

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stroh deci na ex? :D

da sa to pit samotne ale exovat asi nema zmysel.

absinth: For the average 65 kg man, the high dose in the study would be 18.2 mg of thujone. The EU limit of 10 mg/L of thujone in absinthe means that about 1.8 liters of the highest legal thujone content absinthe would have to be drunk to reach the measured effects, a feat likely to cause alcohol poisoning.


a ja..still the same :)


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stroh deci na ex? :D

da sa to pit samotne ale exovat asi nema zmysel.

absinth: For the average 65 kg man, the high dose in the study would be 18.2 mg of thujone. The EU limit of 10 mg/L of thujone in absinthe means that about 1.8 liters of the highest legal thujone content absinthe would have to be drunk to reach the measured effects, a feat likely to cause alcohol poisoning.


a ja..still the same :)


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Mno,dát deci Strohu na ex,tak okamžitě exnu:gora:

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