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Chlapec nemá špatné komenty :D  číst od spodu, podle Ruských tradicí jsem to trošku cenzuroval



  1. "We are not too worried. Ovechkin and Kuznetsov will provide the needed spark", Russian coach, in a moment. #caps

    3 Retweets2 Gefällt mir

    Datsyuk named Russia's player of the game. As a prize, he will be allowed a defender and a last word at the upcoming show trial.

    1 Retweet8 Gefällt mir

    "Battling Huge Odds Against NATO-Supported Nefarious Czechs Glorious Russia Heroically Allows Only 3" - tomorrow's headline in @sovsport

    4 Retweets4 Gefällt mir


    Russians promise to improve by Sunday, as soon as they hire the new coach and dispose of the bodies. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

    4 Retweets9 Gefällt mir


    Russia loses to Czechs 3-0. When you apply the Meldonium Converter, this is a 8-2 win.

    8 Retweets18 Gefällt mir

    It's 3-0 Czech Republic aka Czech is aka Ceska. A country with this many aliases is surely hiding something

    2 Retweets5 Gefällt mir


    Russia is pulling Bobrovsky. Traditionally, he will be shot in the locker room immediately.

    13 Retweets18 Gefällt mir

  11. Russia's next two games are against Kazakhstan and Latvia, prime annexation targets. This tournament is just starting, friends.

    7 Retweets13 Gefällt mir

    "Let's remember that in the first round, it's enogh to finish in Top 4", says Russian TV. That's code for "All will die."

    7 Retweets11 Gefällt mir

    Russia can't convert a 5 on 3. They keep passing to the Ovi Spot, forgetting that its occupant won't be there before Tuesday! #Caps

  14. As the third period begins, Putin remembers he hasn't annexed anyone in over two years. Czechs are paying with fire here


    Bottom line is, Russia is down. Badly. At home. The sanctions are working.

    1 Retweet8 Gefällt mir


    Russia is down to Czech Republic, obvs. Not that my American followers know the difference

    0 Retweets6 Gefällt mir

    Russia down to Sweden 2-0 after two in the Worlds opener in Moscow. Hurry, Ovechkin, hurry! #Caps #Pens

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Zhrado, v češtině je opravdu rozdíl mezi uhry a Uhry. Teď fakt nevím, jak jsi to myslel.

Oboje U/uhry su v tomto kontexte nestastne. Preco sa pri sportovej teme musi vzdy najst niekto kto zacne pisat ubohe trapne nacionalisticke radoby podpichovacne komentare ?
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Oboje U/uhry su v tomto kontexte nestastne. Preco sa pri sportovej teme musi vzdy najst niekto kto zacne pisat ubohe trapne nacionalisticke radoby podpichovacne komentare ?


Ivan, proč to hned obracíš na nacionalismus? Začínám mít dojem, že smysl pro humor se pod Tatrami moc nepěstuje...

P.S. A hele čabajky daly góla...Žinčica se ještě bude nervovat...

Editace: A zase vede Horná Dolná, Valaška dva jedna...Pěkně.

Upraveno uživatelem marosh
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Návštěvník km.kmk

Ivan, proč to hned obracíš na nacionalismus? Začínám mít dojem, že smysl pro humor se pod Tatrami moc nepěstuje...

P.S. A hele čabajky daly góla...Žinčica se ještě bude nervovat...

Editace: A zase vede Horná Dolná, Valaška dva jedna...Pěkně.

Každý má holt kuří oko jinde. ..
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