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Uživatelé s nejvíce příspěvky v tomto témátu

Uživatelé s nejvíce příspěvky v tomto témátu

Půjčeno z Omegaforums:

A man walks into a pre-owned watch shop advertising Rolex as the main focus. He browses around, spots a LNIB Cosmograph Daytona reference 116500LN with full kit. Eyes widening, he walks over to the case to inspect it more closely. As he bends over for a look, he inadvertently breaks wind rather loudly.

Red with embarassment, he wheels around and glances nervously to see if anyone has noticed - praying no one has. As he turns back around, his worst nightmare materializes in the form of a beautiful sales rep standing right beside him.

Cool as a cucumber and displaying complete professionalism, the sales rep greets him politely, "Good day sir, may I help you find something today?"

Still uncomfortable, but hoping that maybe she hadn’t been that close at the time of his little accident, he points to the LNIB Cosmograph Daytona 116500LN with full kit and asks, "What is the price of that one?"

She cocks her head and answers with an amused smile, “Sir, if you farted just looking at it, you're going to absolutely shit when I tell you the price!"

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V 13. 5. 2023 v 6:28, spaja napsal:

Půjčeno z Omegaforums:

A man walks into a pre-owned watch shop advertising Rolex as the main focus. He browses around, spots a LNIB Cosmograph Daytona reference 116500LN with full kit. Eyes widening, he walks over to the case to inspect it more closely. As he bends over for a look, he inadvertently breaks wind rather loudly.

Red with embarassment, he wheels around and glances nervously to see if anyone has noticed - praying no one has. As he turns back around, his worst nightmare materializes in the form of a beautiful sales rep standing right beside him.

Cool as a cucumber and displaying complete professionalism, the sales rep greets him politely, "Good day sir, may I help you find something today?"

Still uncomfortable, but hoping that maybe she hadn’t been that close at the time of his little accident, he points to the LNIB Cosmograph Daytona 116500LN with full kit and asks, "What is the price of that one?"

She cocks her head and answers with an amused smile, “Sir, if you farted just looking at it, you're going to absolutely shit when I tell you the price!"


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před 6 minutami, Cin napsal:

Vtipné by bylo video mé paní, jak to zpátky zamyká 😉

Co ženská, ta by si poradila, spíš tam vidim někoho unavenýho v noci v -20° C jak prochází všechny zámky (protože to pořadí bude po prvnim užití kompletně proházený) ... a ty zámky prochází s 8mi možnýma klíčema co má ve svazku (a samozřejmě víme že je to vždycky ten první, ale zjistíš to až potom co vyzkoušíš všechny). To je na skrytou kameru. :)

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před 1 minutou, Americkej napsal:

Kéž by existoval zámek s šesti klíčema.

Přesně to mne napadlo. Tohle řešení je snad jen pro extrémní individualisty, že když třeba ztratím svůj klíč, tak měním jen svůj zámek a nemusím nikoho nahánět, abych mu předal nový klíč od nového zámku.    

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před 2 minutami, Radek124 napsal:

@Americkej@TomakVy Jste nikdy neslyšeli o (na rozdíl od řešení výše ne zrovna levných) systémech generálního klíče? Jinak ty protahovací plechy dole mohly mít i nahoře, pak by těch zámků mohlo být i 8 :speak_cool:

Generální klíč se hodí pro případ více dveří, ale tady jde o jednu bránu 

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